Scent Work



This 4 lesson program offers:

  • Imprinting
  • Open Container
  • Closed Container
  • Multiple Containers
SKU: 0015 Category:


This includes 4 private 45-60 minute sessions to give you and your dog a solid foundation of imprinting and container searches. Generally in these sessions, your dog will be able to start doing multiple container searches with environmental objects around as distractions. Additionally, your dog will have a firm understanding of how to conduct a proper search and to be able to properly alert the handler that a target odor has been found (paired with a reward).

This program offers the following:

  • Imprinting
  • Open Container
  • Closed Container
  • Multiple Containers


Prices are marked at an e-Check (ACH) Discount of 4.00%, so you are saving instantly if you are paying by e-Check. If you pay in any other method than e-Check, you will not be taking advantage of the 4.00% e-Check Discount and the difference will be added to your purchase.

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